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Automated billing workflows for high-growth businesses 

Setup unique and customized billing workflows for your customers. Togai provides your business with a smart way to manage different pricing scenarios as you scale.
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Why should you choose 
an automated billing tool?

In today's fast-paced business environment, an effective automated billing solution is more than just a convenience—it's a necessity. Here's why Togai is the right choice for your business:

Eliminate Implementation Delays

Bypass the dependency on multiple teams to implement pricing changes and eliminate implementation delays. Experience the convenience of setting up and managing customized pricing models effortlessly. Togai empowers you to automate your internal revenue workflows and gain actionable insights on your pricing, all with just a few clicks.

Image showing the enterprise price plan.
Image displaying the bill due amount generated with a list of billed items.

Effortlessly manage your Billing Workflows

With Togai, you can automate your entire billing cycle. For usage-based pricing right from processing raw usage data to metrics to generating invoices is a breeze with Togai. If you want to implement hybrid or seat-based billing models, every step in your pricing journey can be automated for efficiency and accuracy. Whatever pricing model you choose, you can bill your customers efficiently.

What should your billing software do?

​Your billing software should come packed with features designed to make your billing processes more efficient and insightful:

Streamline your Billing Experience

Your billing software should ensure the billing cycle becomes a streamlined process. Generate precise invoices, and ensure each step is automated for maximum efficiency and accuracy​. 

Make Billing Workflows Easier

Every customer has a unique price plan and different billing timeframes. You shouldn’t fret over when to send an invoice and if you’ve missed it. Your billing platform should take off the nitty gritties so that you can be at peace and focus on what matters. 

Eliminate Billing Conflicts

You need extensive audit logs for each transaction, which promotes transparency and aids in resolution of potential billing disagreements. Your billing software should manage these intricate aspects, so you can provide a frictionless payment experience for your customers. 

Ensure Safety and Efficiency with Data Volumes 

Your software should adapt to the ever-changing security standards and offer robust data protection. It should also be powerful enough to include a high-capacity billing system capable of processing and converting large volumes of data into useful insights with ease.

Key features of an
automated billing software

Vector icon for Adaptive Billing through Pricing Simulation.

Adaptive Billing through Pricing Simulation

Experiment with various pricing models and their impact on your actual billing data. Offer realistic projection of potential revenues, usage, and other key metrics to make data-driven billing decisions. Make sure that your billing strategies align with your business objectives, maximizing revenue and customer satisfaction

Vector icon for Automated Billing Process.

Automated Billing Process

Eliminate the need for manual work in the billing process. Integrations with your current workflows and tech stack ensures a seamless, efficient billing process, eliminating potential disputes and freeing up your team to focus on more strategic work

Vector icon for Smart Billing Practices.

Smart Billing Practices

Possess the freedom to adjust billing cycles for each customer or synchronize billing for all customers on specific dates. This flexibility helps accommodate various customer preferences and business models, resulting in a more streamlined billing process.

Vector icon for Adaptable Billing Structure.

Adaptable Billing Structure

Adopt a variety of pricing strategies, from usage-based to tiered or prepaid models, all within your billing system. Eliminate extensive engineering resources, and tailor your billing to match your customer needs and preferences. This flexibility ensures you're equipped to cater to diverse customer requirements, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Vector icon for Robust Metering System.

Robust Metering System

Process billions of events with our remarkable 99.99% uptime, Meter all billing events and transform raw data into actionable insights, ensuring you never miss an important metric.


Sophisticated Invoicing Engine

Capture all transactions in brand-customized invoices. Our seamless integration with Stripe and Zuora and other accounting and reporting softwares automate invoice generation at the end of every billing cycle.

The brand logo of appsmith, with the text in grey color.

"When we decided to launch usage-based pricing, we evaluated tools that provide the flexibility to support different pricing models along with the reliability of handling data at high volume.

Togai’s solution first approach solved our different pricing & billing scenarios not just for today but also for the future and accelerated our time to market from months to days"
Mr. Nikhil Nandagopal, Founder of Appsmith.

Nikhil Nandagopal

Togai saved atleast 
2 months of time for Appsmith to go live.
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Automate your billing experience with Togai

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