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Get to Know Pay-Per-Use (PPU) & Its Benefits

16 Mins Read
Kavyapriya Sethu
Published On : 01/07/2023


  • You're exploring pricing models for your digital enterprise, and pay per usage (PPU) stands out for its adaptability and customer-centric approach.
  • With PPU, your customers enjoy a dynamic pricing model that scales with their usage, from cloud services to phone carriers.
  • Customers prefer PPU for its straightforward billing and the principle of paying only for what they use, enhancing service quality.
  • PPU offers transparency in costs, making expenses predictable for customers, which is a key factor in customer satisfaction.
  • The model requires a solid infrastructure and a clear understanding of target customers for successful implementation.
  • PPU can lure in customers with its affordability, maximize earnings, accelerate revenue growth, and foster loyalty.
  • It's crucial to evaluate your business's readiness for PPU, considering hardware, services, and customer support.
  • Assessing your business and customer needs thoroughly will help you decide if PPU is the strategic move to grow your SaaS.

Pay-Per-Usage: Your Key to Unlock Flexible Pricing

Crafting the perfect SaaS pricing strategy can be a daunting task for any digital enterprise. The balance between fair pricing and appealing payment options is often a difficult one to strike. The question that looms large is - should your business embrace the Pay-Per-Use (PPU) model, or should you stick to traditional subscription-based options? The frequency of payment, whether monthly, quarterly, or yearly, and the number of plans your SaaS should offer also add to the complexity of this decision.

We're in an era where digitization is racing ahead at warp speed, leading to significant shifts in customer behavior. Consequently, numerous businesses are venturing into novel, consumer-centric business models like 'pay per usage.' This model has a unique appeal, especially when you want to introduce flexibility and user convenience into your pricing structure.

So, what exactly is this PPU model, and how does it work? More importantly, what benefits does it offer, and how can it potentially catapult your business to the next level? These are crucial questions that demand detailed exploration. In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve deeper into the mechanics of pay-per-usage, particularly its implementation in cloud computing environments. By understanding these elements, you'll be equipped to make an informed decision about whether this model aligns with your business goals and customer needs.

Understanding Pay-Per-Use: A Dynamic Pricing Model

When it comes to SaaS products, one question tops the list for customers: "How much does it cost?" That's why the choice of a pricing model becomes as important as developing standout features or crafting a compelling sales strategy. Among several pricing models, Pay-Per-Use (PPU) is one that's gaining traction due to its adaptability and customer-friendly nature.

Pay-Per-Use, as the name suggests, is a payment model where customers pay according to their usage of a product rather than buying it outright. In essence, the more they use, the more they pay, and conversely, the less they use, the less they pay. For instance, if you consider a cloud storage service provider, the charges will be based on the amount of storage utilized. Similarly, many phone carriers adopt a PPU model, billing customers based on the number of minutes used.

Pay-Per-Use in action: From theory to practice

This pricing model is frequently seen among infrastructure and platform-related software companies, such as Amazon Web Services, where charges are based on metrics like the number of API requests, processed transactions, or gigabytes of data used.

However, the PPU model isn't limited to such scenarios. Increasingly, SaaS companies across diverse sectors are finding innovative ways to implement it. Take, for example, social media tools that charge users for each scheduled post or accounting tools that bill per invoice.

In the Pay-Per-Use model, the company retains ownership and responsibility for the product or service. The customer, in turn, pays a fee for usage on demand.

Why do customers prefer PPU?

Many customers prefer this model due to the inherent benefits it offers. Primarily, it aligns with the principle of paying only for the services they require and actually uses. Furthermore, in many cases, customers end up receiving superior service since the provider has a vested interest in offering a product that stands the test of time.

The PPU model also offers straightforward revenue calculation, and customers appreciate the predictability of being charged based on usage.

Also Read: Mastering Bulk Pricing: Benefits, Types, and Real-Life Examples

Pay-Per-Use Model: Exploring the Business Growth Opportunities

Usage-based pricing models, such as pay-per-use, certainly have their merits. Many customers find them appealing due to their affordability and flexibility, especially when they only require occasional software usage throughout the month. Let's explore the benefits of the PPU model:

Lure in customers with lower upfront costs.

A common barrier to customer acquisition is the intimidation of a commitment to a subscription plan. The PPU model acts as a bridge, attracting customers with its low, upfront cost. It's simple; customers only pay for what they use. For instance, if your business offers an email platform, customers may pay for sending 5,000 emails in one month and pay nothing the next month when they send none. This flexibility and affordability cater to businesses that require irregular usage, enhancing your customer base.

​​Maximize earnings by charging based on consumption.

In a PPU model, customers who consume more pay more. Unlike the flat-rate or even tiered system, the PPU model allows for a flexible pricing approach that scales with consumption. This fairness in pricing ensures that high-consumption customers contribute equitably to your revenue.

Accelerate your company's revenue growth.

Despite the seeming inconsistency of the PPU model, SaaS companies can actually witness faster growth. PPU's strength lies in its real-time scalability. When customer usage increases, your earnings amplify instantly. There's no need to reassess your monthly rates and roll them out gradually. The PPU model, thus, paves the way for rapid revenue growth.

Foster customer loyalty

The PPU model allows for a more service-focused relationship with customers rather than a one-off purchase interaction. This fosters loyalty, and the added value of services such as installation, support, and maintenance creates a stronger value proposition, making it less likely for customers to switch to competitors.

Extract valuable customer insights.

The pay-per-use model offers significant advantages by providing companies with a clear understanding of how customers engage with their product or service. This valuable insight allows for improvements, personalized options, and the development of new offerings. SaaS companies, in particular, can benefit from the accurate feedback it provides on their pricing strategy.

Consider a scenario where your pricing page offers a diverse range of services across various pricing tiers. However, you observe that only a few customers utilize a handful of these services. Based on this behavior, several inferences can be made regarding your SaaS business:

  • Pricing plans may be set too high: The limited usage of certain services suggests that their pricing may be deterring customers from upgrading to higher tiers. Adjusting the pricing structure could attract more users to explore and utilize additional services.
  • Value proposition may lack appeal: If customers are not upgrading between tiers, it could indicate that the perceived value or benefits offered in the higher-tier plans are not compelling enough. Evaluating and enhancing the value proposition for each pricing tier can encourage users to consider upgrading.
  • Preference for an A La Carte model: Some customers may prefer the flexibility of staying at their current tier while selectively purchasing add-ons or additional services that align with their specific needs. Offering an A La Carte model could cater to this preference and potentially increase customer satisfaction.
  • Varied buyer personas: The discrepancy in service usage implies that different buyer personas exist within your customer base, each with unique preferences and priorities. By identifying these personas, you can tailor your offerings and marketing strategies to better cater to their specific needs.

What's in it for your customers?

  • Fewer responsibilities

The PPU model transfers ownership risks and maintenance responsibilities to your business, reducing the burden on customers.

  • Lower costs, greater transparency

The PPU model makes costs more transparent and accessible. There's no large initial payment required for access, just a flexible, easy-to-monitor monthly cost based on actual usage.

  • Continual improvement of products and services

To succeed with PPU, companies must focus on customer loyalty. That means they're continually refining their services and products based on customer data.

Is Pay-Per-Use in Cloud Computing the Right Choice for Your Business?

Navigating the landscape of business models can be daunting, yet having a clear understanding of different pricing strategies, such as the Pay-Per-Use (PPU) model, can give your business a competitive edge. Is PPU the right choice for your business? Let's evaluate this based on several key considerations.

The essential pillars for pay-per-use

Before venturing into the PPU model, your business needs three foundational elements in place: hardware & software, services, and protection.

  • Hardware & software: To effectively apply PPU, you need a robust pool of hardware and software capable of generating all necessary data. Without this, the model is unlikely to thrive.
  • Services: Ensuring there's a network ready to deliver, maintain, and install the product on demand for your customer is integral for success in a pay-per-usage strategy.
  • Protection: Your customer's trust in you increases if they know they can count on you during an emergency. A system to support your customers when they need you most can solidify the success of your PPU model.

Understanding your business specifics

Implementing PPU is not a one-size-fits-all strategy. Consider the specifics of your business by asking these questions:

  • What is the cost incurred for each instance of usage in our business?
  • How much usage volume is needed to reach the break-even point?
  • What is the minimal offering that would sufficiently attract customer buy-in?
  • Can the value proposition be easily implemented and tested?
  • Does the pay-per-use offering effectively solve customer problems compared to alternative models?

The answers to these questions will offer insights into how the PPU model can benefit your business.

The role of buyer personas in pay-per-use

Particularly in Software as a Service (SaaS), clear buyer personas and understanding how your target customers use your software are critical for success. This knowledge not only aids in pricing your service effectively but also underscores how your product alleviates your customer's pain points.

Pay-Per-Use particularly shines when you have diverse customer demographics. Superusers are willing to invest heavily in your product, while frugal newbies may prefer to dip their toes in for a lower rate. Catering to these diverse needs can be a strategic move for your business to thrive, and PPU offers this flexibility.

In essence, adopting a pay-per-use model in your business requires both a solid infrastructure and a clear understanding of your target customers. Through careful assessment and strategy, it can prove to be a lucrative move for many businesses, potentially including yours.

And, Togai is the best pricing implementation platform that can help you implement any pricing strategy 10x faster in less than a day!Schedule a free demo today to see how it works.

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Kavyapriya Sethu
Spends most of her time reading books and making fictional characters her best friends. Likes trying new things: new cuisines, films, languages…you name it!
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